Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Reading Blueprints

Unless the Lord builds
the house, those who
build it labor in vain.

Psalm 127:1

Passing a construction site recently I wondered at its beginnings. A visionary stands in an open field seeing houses, a business park, a playground, a hospital. Unseen by those passing by are detailed blueprints, environmental reports, contracts made with various building “specialties.” What is seen are crawling, snaggle toothed yellow machines digging, scraping, preparing the land for what will eventually rise out of the empty landscape. At the center of the entire project is an individual who conducts and orchestrates. Success depends on no one working independently from the one who knows how it will all come together.

The natural progression of this illustration is in understanding that God is both visionary and orchestrator in our lives. And yet, more often than not we build our lives without “reading” his blueprints. We may think we’re doing and being exactly what a “good” Christian should be about and yet we find ourselves disconnected and dissatisfied. The curb appeal of what we’ve built with our lives may look great but if someone stopped to take a closer look…well, God’s blueprints are stuffed in the back closet.

Whether it be in our personal lives, the life of a congregation or family when we build according to our own blueprints we won’t find contentment. Volunteer of the year, best mom, best dad, superb deacon or elder, amazing Sunday School teacher, inspiring sermons—it is all a vain exercise if not done as a result of following God’s blueprint.

Learning how to read blueprints takes time and patience. How much time do you take to learn how to “read” God’s blueprints for your life?

Jesus, I admit that too often
I live by my own plans
and desires of how I want
people to see me.
Forgive me, Jesus. Teach me
how to read your blueprints in order
to see the vision you have for me.

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