Monday, October 6, 2008

Be a Lucy

He handed out gifts
and pastor-teacher

to train Christ’s
followers in skilled
servant work, working
within Christ’s body,

the church, until we’re
all moving rhythmically and

easily with each other.

Ephesians 4:11-12 (The Message)

In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis explores the biblical truth of individuals being given various gifts that in turn allow them to move rhythmically and easily with each other. Aslan has the power to do anything and everything and yet he gives to Edmund, Peter, Susan and Lucy gifts that ultimately are used to restore Narnia.

Aslan’s gift to Lucy is a small crystal vial. At the time, Lucy has no idea how to use what she’s been given but soon discovers that a single drop heals wounds, mends the broken and brings to life the beaten down. All that is required of her is to put to use what Aslan has given. Having the “right” words, the “right” answers are not necessary, only being a presence beside the wounded, giving them the vial’s healing drops.

How does this relate to Jesus followers and working within Christ’s body, the church? At some level we’re all called to be a “Lucy.” When we responded to the words, Follow Me a “spiritual vial” was placed in our hands. With every sermon, every Bible study, every prayer, every verse memorized our “spiritual vials” are being filled. Like Lucy, what is required of every one of us is to generously spread the healing ointment we have been given.

It is not a Biblical absolute for just “some of us” to be Lucys but an absolute for all of us who hold in our hands a “spiritual vial” because we answered Jesus’ call, Follow Me.

Jesus, forgive me when
I put on “others” the responsibility to
care for the hurting.
Through your life you have
given me the gift to heal
by bringing those that mourn into your presence.

Artwork-- Silent Tears, Timur I. Poerwowidagdo, Indonesia, 92

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