Monday, September 29, 2008

God's Breakfast

The angel of God…
shook him
awake…and said,

“Get up and eat
some more—you’ve got
a long journey

ahead of you.”

I Kings 19:7

Growing up eating breakfast was mandatory before I took off to school but I ditched it in college and haven’t been a “breakfast eater” since! Later exercise took precedence over eating until one morning I set off on what ended up being a longer and more strenuous race walk than planned. Eight miles later, having had nothing to eat since the previous night’s dinner, I collapsed on a nearby patch of grass conscious that I had yet another mile to get home. I hadn’t prepared myself. The result was a body depleted and shaking.

Elijah had embarrassed the Baal prophets and Jezebel was threatening death and so running for dear life he collapses, falling asleep in the shade of a bush. But his running isn’t over and so the angel of God wakes him up in order to eat, even providing the food whose nourishment will, according to this account, last him forty more miles!

When we take a road trip our preparations usually include going to the store to purchase food staples. A road trip with God requires the same. The difference is that he will provide the food if we are willing to take the time to eat.

Daily “breakfasting” with God will get us down the road in better shape than if we skip the meal. But, it takes discipline. In Elijah’s exhaustion eating may have been last on his mind. I still don’t like eating breakfast, but eating makes a huge difference in how I feel when the work out has been particularly difficult.

Get up and eat some more!

Jesus, forgive me
when I take on the day
without “breakfasting” with you.
No wonder I grow emotionally
and spiritually tired!
Help me to not miss any of
the meals you provide.
Artwork--The Prophet Elijah Receiving Bread and Water from an Angel. Peter Paul Reubens, c. 1625.

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