Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Built to Last

Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—but nothing moved that house.
It was fixed to the rock.

Matthew 7:25 (The Message)

During one of my most difficult life moments I met Beth. She was waging a battle against a powerful hurricane, cancer. Beth’s story and the hard work she was doing to simply LIVE reeked havoc on my pity party. She never complained or questioned God’s purpose. In order to not be destroyed, Beth faithfully followed the blueprints that would keep her living.

The Bible is consistent with this message—a Jesus follower can be guaranteed some foul weather. It isn’t a pleasant truth, but there it is. In my own life I have found it to be an uncomfortable fact. It seems as though I just get through one “rain” storm and another appears on the horizon. It is at these times that meeting people who are dealing with “hurricanes” provide a perspective.

Being in community with fellow Jesus followers is essential during “rain” storms. It is impossible to build a house on one’s own. Even if you’re doing all the “building”, others are usually a part of the process. The same concept applies to the life of a Jesus follower. We cannot be solidly built without one another’s help. Our stories of endurance remind us that there is life after a “flood.”

Meeting a Jesus follower who is built on the rock is like knowing a master builder. Having been intimately acquainted with the Master’s blueprints they know what is necessary to build and can help us be fixed to the rock as well.

Jesus, you have promised life even after a hurricane.
Help me to know you so well that I am fixed to the rock.

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