Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Work in Progress

God is the one who began
this good work in you…

Philippians 1:6a (CEV)

Grace is an early fixture in my memory. She passed away several years ago but the impression she left is firmly imprinted--Grace assumed the best in everyone. When walking on the pier no one was able to pass by without her calling out a hello or engaging them in a conversation about the catch of the day. She didn’t see anyone as anything other than God’s good work.

It isn’t always easy to accept those that we meet, or live with, as God’s good work. We know all the weak spots of those we love and upon seeing a homeless individual on the street we may find ourselves giving them a wide berth. Many times I find that my own instinct, unfortunately, isn’t to first assume that God is doing a good work in those that may be troublesome. But, of course, I want others to see me as a good work in progress!

From our beginnings God saw that what He had created was good. Grace claimed this truth living it out in her life, giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, believing that what she saw wasn’t the finished product. There was hope of a completed good work in everyone.

It’s a good way to live--having the eyes of God; seeing that He has begun a good work in everyone. With this outlook it doesn’t matter that a person’s behavior, choices or attitude seem far from being good. Trust God to make sure that the finished product is what He intended.

Father, thank you for beginning a good work in me.
Help me to see everyone as Your good work, in progress.

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