Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Watch Your Step

The steps of a man
are established by the Lord…
he shall not be cast headlong,
for the Lord upholds his hand.

Psalm 37:23-24

The steep cliff on one side and the prickly berry bushes on the other make for a narrow path on my walk. It has been one of my favorite walks. But whenever I walk this path I am keenly aware that a thoughtless step could literally hurl me into the waters below. While I love to see the scenery I must also keep alert to where I am stepping, where the path is taking me.

There aren’t any barriers that keep me “safe” but I find that part of what draws me to this particular walk is exactly that, it isn’t “safe.” Potholes, rocks, roots constantly impede my progress forcing me to slow down. In the process I see and hear my surroundings.

The path ahead for this year is unclear nevertheless God has mapped out a spectacular hike for us if we’re willing to risk it. It is unsettling when we realize that our established steps may not be on a well groomed route. And so it is an act of faith and trust to walk with this God who promises that our destruction is not his end goal.

Our time of arrival at God’s appointed destination is an unknown and not all that important. How willingly we traveled, paying attention to the views, keeping hold of his hand, will help us arrive ready and in shape for whatever God has planned.

Jesus, I will stumble and fall
along this hike you’ve planned.
Thank you for holding my
hand so that while I may be
bruised and scratched I am not
completely thrown off course.

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