Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Muscle and Time

The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, til it was all leavened.

Matthew 13:33

It has been my experience that yeast is temperamental. Cooking at 6500 feet above sea level, yeast acts more quickly, making the amount I use somewhat of a guessing game. Generally, the amount is slightly less than what is called for. My forgetfulness, as well as my eagerness, occasionally creates a mess—my bread rises too quickly and falls flat just as rapidly.

The ability to purchase artisan breads on a whim doesn’t give this verse quite the same “punch” that it had in the first century. But the properties of yeast remain the same—yeast must be “hidden” or worked thoroughly throughout the dough in order for it to be effective.

Living in a world of “instant” our patience wears thin while waiting. Personally, I want to see God work fast and furiously! And, that makes me exactly like the disciples who wanted to see the kingdom of heaven descend with a swoosh. But, throughout the gospels Jesus never talks in the language of the spectacular. Instead, his images are always one of time, requiring patience.

Having been called to be kingdom of heaven yeast, my rising ability will depend on how willing I am to allow God to work me into the “dough” of my community, family, friends. I've kneaded bread, trust me, the process requires muscle and time. It's uncomfortable but the results can be spectacular!

Jesus, thank you for the simple images you used
to illustrate how we are to live in your Kingdom.
I want to be good, active yeast, living in my
community and by my inclusion, helping it to grow in you.

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