Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Final Week of 2010 - Wednesday

I begin each day with my Celtic Daily Prayer Book. Even though I have been using this prayer book for ten years and have read and reread the various Scriptures and readings they always seem to be new and fresh and perfect for whatever I may be facing on any given day.

Too often when we come to pray we have fixed ideas as to what the subject for our intercession will be - or if God gives us the subject we again lapse into our own thoughts, ideas and preconceptions instead of letting the Spirit teach us what to pray. We need to take authority over our own thoughts, however good, in case they are an impediment to God's directives and burden.

Wordless prayer can often be effective, too. Some of the times when we 'worry' about a person for hours on end for no apparent reason, who normally we rarely think of, may turn out to be the closest to real intercession we have ever come.

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