Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Calm Fidgeting

I wait for your salvation, O Lord.

Genesis 49:18

Every day I always spend a certain amount of time waiting. And I confess - I don’t like to wait. But no amount of neck craning, fidgeting or dashing seems to quicken my wait time. A quick trip to the market is extended because of the “quick trips” of others. My drive to work is stalled due to road work. Living and waiting walk hand in hand, and in my case, uncomfortably!

And now is the time of Advent—a time of waiting for the salvation of God. But with this waiting comes hope, promise of a future. There is a "known" in the waiting--Jesus bearing witness to God in his flesh. All my other waiting pales by comparison. I am humbled in this waiting.

Throughout the coming days as I wait in line for whatever reason I want to consider waiting as an opportunity. Instead of fuming over time lost, I want to work on rejoicing in the time gained to consider and wonder at Who I am waiting for.

Jesus, calm my fidgeting spirit
as I eagerly wait for you!

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