Friday, October 2, 2009

Reflecting on James

From the Renovare Spiritual Formation Bible for the book of James--

We might think of James as one of the world's first spiritual directors. He grew up with Jesus and went on to help Christians of the world also to grow up with Christ. What you do matters, he says. Your attitudes toward yourself matter, and so does the way you treat the stranger in your midst, the solicitor at your door, the co-worker at your job. Jesus is within you and his power is only a prayer away. Open the small parts, the ordinary goings-on of your life, to him and count these the measure of your faith.

Personal Reflection
  • Whom have you known who has been to you a living picture of Christ?
  • How has the person changed the way you live?
  • William Law, an 18th century Anglican priest and spiritual director, wrote: If we are to be new people in Christ, then we must show our newness to the world. If we are to follow Christ, it must be in the way we spend each day. How will you spend today? Ask Jesus to make you new today and to make his presence with you like that of a brother, walking alongside you and showing you how to live newly in each ordinary moment.

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