Thursday, October 29, 2009

Prayer Wrestling

Suggested Bible Reading: Genesis 32:22-32

And Jacob was left alone.
And a man wrestled with him until the breaking of the day.

Genesis 32:24

A personality type exists that is relentless. They will convince, coerce, cajole - with one goal - to get what they want. Parents of children with this personality type are worn down, employers become frustrated, spouses irritated. But, there is a flip side. The “positive” of this “negative” is one who possesses a determination to succeed, leadership skills and an unusual ability to stay focused on the goal.

Jacob perfectly demonstrates this personality. At an early age he tricked his father, cheated his brother and turned the tables on his father-in-law Laban. He made a number of people angry. Now Jacob even takes on God! He’s one gutsy guy! But, his “negative” does become a “positive.”

True, Jacob’s life is full of perfect illustrations of how NOT to live, but the scene that unfolds here is one of a man “prayer wrestling.” Much like the blessing he received from his father, Isaac, Jacob is determined to get what he wants—God’s blessing. His tenaciousness, leads him to an all night wrestling match with God, which results in permanent injury!

Prayer wrestling—it’s something to think about. God never tires of hearing from us. Jacob is our proof, and who knows what our results will be!

Thought of the Day: When I pray, how intentional and focused am I about specific issues?
God of blessings, thank you for your strength.
Help me to not be afraid to spend time wrestling with you.

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