Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pray, Study, Do

Pray for us, for we are sure that we
have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things.

Hebrews 13:18

When making a decision there’s nothing like a conscience free of doubt or misgivings. But it seems that these days it is more and more difficult to maintain a clear conscience as we are faced with decisions and choices that are troubling. From encounters with neighbors to co-workers to work ethics to church politics we come up against issues that cause us to take a double think about our reactions. Are our intentions truly honorable or do they reside in the muck of self preservation?

Perhaps we’ve been blamed for a broken relationship, a misunderstanding at work, an unrealized expectation or we have been unjustly accused and we wrestle with our conscience as to how we should respond. At times like these wouldn’t it be nice if God would just speak, audibly, letting us know if the decisions we’re making are good ones?

As Jesus followers it’s a frequent necessity to call in-check our “instinctive” reactions. Unfortunately, we live under the cloud of “human nature” whose instincts or more along the line of the category of “sin.” And, it’s for this reason, that we must check ourselves, listening to the voice of God through the truths of Scripture. It’s always amazing how little “human nature” has altered.

Life is full of checks and balances. But for the Jesus follower, we have the perfect scale. To gain a clear conscience and live a life that is honorable means taking the time to pray, study and learn the biblical truths, fighting against what may come “naturally.” But, sometimes we’re also called to do the hard thing and speak against sin proclaiming what we know to be God’s truth.

Jesus, forgive me when I respond to my “nature”
instincts instead of my “redeemed” ones. You
speak through the ministry of your life setting the guidelines in place.
These are what I want to keep me in check.


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