Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well Seasoned

Let your speech always be gracious,
seasoned with salt,so that you may
know how you ought to answer each person.

Colossians 4:6

I’m a foodie, so I appreciate the importance of salt in a recipe. This simple, plain ingredient is essential to enhancing the flavor of almost any food. Too much you have failure but just enough is pure success.At one point in our lives we discovered that the “sticks and stones” adage was a lie--words do hurt. Unfortunately, emotions play a role in our ability to choose well seasoned words. Sharp words result in emptiness for both the speaker and the receiver.

Accusing, insulting, taunting words were hurled at Jesus, repeatedly and yet his responses were intelligent, clear and concise. His parables left his hearers puzzled, nevertheless, they knew they held truth. In season and out, Jesus spoke well seasoned words.

In this “immediate” age words are instantly transmitted and their affects are instantaneous. Christians are no less immune. As Jesus followers we need to consider very carefully our own saltiness. How we respond to each other, no matter our church, political or theological persuasion is in part what will make a difference in how the world views us.

Biblical interpretation may vary, but, we have a common Trinitarian truth--our Creator, his Son whom he sent, showing us how to live and forgive, and the Holy Spirit who continues to work in us today. Holding tight to this truth opens the way to gracious and seasoned speech. Making a difference in the world begins with how much salt we’re willing to scatter on each other.

Jesus, your words were always well seasoned. Help me to guard my tongue
speaking words that will bring life to the hearer.

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